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Freshers Fair

Some of the team from Colchester Orthodontic Centre attended the Freshers Fair at the University of Essex on Saturday. Organised by the Students Union the Freshers Fair gives students the chance to meet with local and national businesses and University clubs and societies. It was a busy day with over 5000 students attending. We took the opportunity to talk to students about their smiles and to hand out goody bags with free toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Our Invisalign SmileView was extremely popular with students who were considering orthodontic treatment. After taking a smiling selfie in just 60 seconds SmileView showed how their smile would potentially look following Invisalign treatment. If you’d like to try this for yourself please visit:

If you have started orthodontic treatment at home but would like to have treatment finished in Colchester, then Colchester Orthodontic Centre is a specialist practice located a short drive from the University (and easily accessible by bus.)

We understand orthodontic treatment is an investment so we offer a range of repayment options, making treatment affordable so students can finish their studies with beautiful and confident smiles.

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